Thursday, June 20, 2013

Almost Time...Our Sweet Celebration

Exactly one week from this moment... 
the party will be over. 

The final dance will be danced,  
and the last guests will be on their way home to slumber.

And two beautiful sweethearts 
will have joined their hearts into one.

After a morning wedding ceremony
for time and all eternity
in the Salt Lake LDS Temple...

Our youngest son and his beautiful bride 
will greet their quests at a reception held in 
This Grandmother's Garden.

The perfect setting 
for a sweet celebration of their new beginning...
don't you think?

Surely every flower will bloom right on cue...
fulfilling the measure of its creation 
on this glorious day.

(At least, that's the plan.)

Please don't rain... please don't rain!

And this gardener will finally find 
a moment to relax.

Actually there have been two of us working... side by side
every day except Sunday 
                           ...for the last four months.

That's a whole lot of hours in the garden!
Thank you, dear... for doing all the hard stuff.

I'm just the creative inspiration 
behind your muscles. 

I think it's time for us to sit on the bench 
and enjoy our gardens.
Maybe we'll see Mr. and Mrs. Quail out for a walk 
with their babies.

YES! We have babies! But that's another day's post.

Hope you've enjoyed the container gardens... 
I've had such fun creating them!

(Not so much fun trying to keeping them happy 
during the high temps and hot winds.)

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Friday, June 7, 2013


I wait all year for these beauties to bloom... 
but oh-h-h...
 they're so worth the wait!

Paeonia lactiflora 'Krinkled White'

This is my favorite.
The blooms are large... 5 to 6 inches across in the sunlight.
Then at night, they gently close. 
When I sleep, they sleep.
But as soon as the morning sun caresses their lovely petals 
they open up wide with delight.

The whole idea just tickles me.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld'

 This is the same peony that grew in my Mother's garden...
that grew in my Grandmother's garden...
that now grows in my garden.

It always blooms the week after Krinkled White 
begins to bloom in my gardens.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt'

Sarah Berhardt blooms exhuberantly.
The blooms are so large and so heavy with several on a stem
that they really do need to be staked. 

I use old tomato cages that I've cut to fit... works perfectly.

Only three more weeks until our glorious event in the gardens.

♥  ♥  ♥

Next post will highlight the containers I've planted...
including a few serendipitous surprises 
that will surely make you smile. 

Stay tuned!